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    Save $20-$50 Per Month on Gasoline

    Gas_pump When it comes to global warming, burning less gas has always made sense. Now that gasoline costs more than $4.00 a gallon, reducing our consumption at the pump makes "cents," too. These ten tips offer the fastest, easiest ways you can save gas - and money.
    1. Drive smart - Avoid quick starts and stops, use cruise control on the highway, and don't idle.

    2. Drive the speed limit - Remember - every 5 mph you drive above 60 mph is like paying an additional $0.10 per gallon for gas.

    3. Drive less - Walk, bicycle, use a scooter or moped, combine trips, and telecommute.

    4. Drive a more fuel-efficient car - Consider one of the new hybrids; at the very least, choose from among the EPA's "Fuel Economy Leaders" in the class vehicle you're considering.

    5. Keep your engine tuned up - Improve gas mileage by an average of 4.1 percent by maintaining your vehicle in top condition.

    6. Carpool - According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, 32 million gallons of gasoline would be saved each day if every car carried just one more passenger on its daily commute.

    7. Use mass transit and "Ride Share" programs (here and here)- Why pay for gasoline at all?

    8. Keep tires properly inflated - Improve gas mileage by around 3.3 percent by keeping your tires inflated to the proper pressure. Replace worn tires with the same make and model as the originals.

    9. Buy the cheapest gas you can find - Buy gas in the morning, from wholesale shopper's clubs, and using gas-company rebate cards. Track neighborhood prices on the Internet, at

    10. Support higher fuel-efficiency standards and the development of alternative fuels - Ultimately, our best hope for beating the gas crisis is to increase fuel efficiency while we transition to renewable and non-petroleum based fuels. Endorse efforts to boost average fuel efficiency to at least 40 mpg. Support programs that promote research and development of alternatives to transportation systems based on oil.

    NOTE: For more ways to stop global warming, don't miss the Green Moms Carnival at OrganicMania.


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    Norma J Seely

    I just saw you on Hannity and Combs - I become so very disgusted by comentary by people like you that say" The American people don't want drilling in Anwar" The hell we don't. I and most Americans say START TODAY. 2000 acres of land oh give me a break lady.

    Diane MacEachern


    The American people have opposed oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for over 20 years. The Refuge was created specifically to protect this small but pristine acreage for wildlife - not to subject it to drilling. The U.S. can easily gain the same amount of gasoline by adopting energy efficiency measures available today. We would not get oil out of the Refuge for at least ten years, and even then, the amount is so insignificant even the U.S. Energy Information Administration believes it would only lower our gas costs by pennies -- and for six months at most. There are better, cheaper, more environmentally-friendly alternatives to drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge, and we should take advantage of them.


    I have a bike and I am trying to bike more. I have also been toying with the idea of going car-less.


    I have a bike and I am trying to bike more. I have also been toying with the idea of going car-less.

    Diane MacEachern


    Biking is great! Yay for you!! If you're serious about going car-less, read "Divorce Your Car" by Katie Alvord. She did - and she lives in northern Michigan (i.e., really snowy winters). She's a real inspiration.

    Keep up the great work! Diane

    Mother Earth

    my budget for gas is one tank a month - just can't swing much more, that necessaty has had me shift many of my ways of doing things, it's sparred more walking, making the most of trips out and actually saying no to dinner an hour away w/ friends. I've begun to example carpooling and best of all less driving = less pollution. I appreciate that we have choices

    Diane MacEachern

    Thanks for setting such a great example. Don't you find that having to walk, bike or carpool actually is a way of putting more time in your day? I've found that if I can allow myself to believe that I actually have the time to get somewhere other than by driving, I actually relax a bit more. We're all so used to rushing around, when we should be slowing down (yes, even when we have to get our kids somewhere!).

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